Decorate Your Clothes With Badges

Firstly, we learned to stitch clothes, then we learnt to make them fashionable. Since then onwards, we have been continuously adding details to them. Buttons, stylish sleeves, cuff links and what else? Custom button badges? Yes, that sounds about right. Badges have existed to serve the purpose which buttons couldn’t do. The best part about them is that you can put them just anywhere on your clothes or even fabric bags!

Most, if not all, revolutionary ideas have been carried forward with metal badges attached to our coats and shirts. It is true, if you want to spread an idea across people then you will have to carry it around, attached really close to yourself in the form of a printed badge. It is said, if you believe in something then you should follow it whole heartedly by yourself and you have to keep it close to your heart. Only then others will start to take it seriously. This reminds me of the times when students are seen wearing badges during marches and protest rallies against an issue or in support of a social cause. Seeing people around you carrying their slogans in the form of badges really gets you in the spirit of the cause for which you have gathered. 

People also prefer wearing metal badges when they are feeling euphoric about something. You might have seen some crazy fans wearing “I heart Mohit Chauhan” or some similar messages in the shape of badges on their clothes while attending their favorite popstar’s concerts. Holi is one such festival when people host parties for their friends and get completely immersed into this festival of colors. For such Holi parties, you can get personalized colorful badges wishing Happy Holi to everyone around you. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to wish someone because one glance at your badge would do the trick. 

With New Year and Christmas coming soon to knock at our doors, we should get our personalized badges ready to tune into the festivities. Companies should get their corporate gift kits ready and must include customized badges in them for their employees. E-mail all of them to come back to the office wearing these badges on the first day of their job in a new year. It will be a gentle reminder of a brand new starting. 

School going children will be seen wearing beautiful and shiny badges in a New Year as they return to their schools after a long vacation. Since it is not allowed by school administration for students to be seen wearing anything extra on their uniforms, the only place left to put these badges are their school bags. Don’t let your kid feel left behind and buy them their own custom badges from You can put out any text or image of their choice on it. You should also throw in some designs of your own to go on your badges. Enter your office wearing some chic badges in an upcoming year! 


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